There are 28 million small businesses in the U.S which outnumber corporations 1162 to 1. How does a small business stick out among the 28 million?
Their online presence.
Being visible online is crucial in todays age for success. E-commerce is growing at 23 percent per year yet 46 percent of small businesses do not even have a website. The worst part about that statistic is 67 percent of millennials and 56 percent of Gen Xers prefer to shop online. Did you know parents spend 61 percent more online than non-parents?
These simple tips will make your online presence more visible, bringing in conversions and revenue.
Video Content
Video content is vitally important to building your online presence. One major factor of google's algorithm that determines page ranking is "Dwell Time" or time spent on your website. Having a video can capture the audience's attention and retain visitors to your website is a compelling short video. 80 percent of people that watch your video will even be able to recall it one month later and 12 percent will purchase the product from the video.
Having a video presence will also allow you to promote brand awareness. A video can humanize your brand, allowing you to bring out the personality you want you customers to see in your business. This will bring both a emotional connection from customers to brand but also begin to build trust as well.
Video content helps stand out against competition. Only 50 percent of businesses have online videos (expecting to increase to 64 percent). Consider these facts if you are considering video content to help you establish an online presence:
90 percent of online consumers report that a business’ product or service video helps them make a decision to buy
65 percent of executives who watch work-related videos visit the business’ website afterwards
64 percent of people who visit a business’ website are likely to buy their product after watching a video
real estate listings that include a video get 403% more inquiries than those without video
Make sure your video is professional and done with quality to build trust with the customer. If you are a small business looking to hire an affordable video productions company please visit Blitz Studio's Project Reel.
Social Media
After adding video content to your website the next step is improving your social media. If you are new to social media the first step is making accounts. Make sure you have live accounts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and any other social media pertaining to your industry. Some of these social media sites work better for certain industry, so make sure you do proper research on what social media site is best for you. Continue to post content to these website. Creating a social media calendar can help. Hootsuite is a great online tool to manage all your social media platforms. Social media will allow you to grow brand awareness, promote customer satisfaction, and drive profits.
SEO Optimized
The last step to making your online presence known is making your website Search Engine Optimized (SEO). Having your website Search Engine Optimized will make your website top in the results of organic searches. There are many ways to becomings SEO involving key words, outbound links, and being mobile friendly. Being SEO is not easy though, so I have attached two resources that will help you get started.